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Honeycomb Closeup


As a part of our goal to educate the public on the issues facing pollinators, we've created and printed educationals materials that can be requested for distribution.  Are you a beekeeper that works at a farmers market, do you manage a bee club, are you a pollinator activist?  Request our free materials using the form below.  You just pay $10 flat rate for shipping.  

There are five different handouts to choose from:

Varroa Mite Education
Pesticide Exposure
Gardening For Pollinators
Protecting Pollinators At Home
What Are Neonics

For each topic you request, you will receive a batch of 100 handouts printed full color, back and front on a 'tear and share' notepad for easy distribution.

Request Educational Materials

What handout topics are you requesting?
Donation ( a minimum donation of $10 is required for shipping)
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